About usBizSolutionsPlus specializes in complex online solutions for businesses. Our main task is to provide efficient tools in the form of a website or customized advertising and tangible results expressed in increasing sales and target audience.
We have indisputable expertise in a full range of services necessary to promote your business, founded on years of experience and the qualifications and talent of our team members. Our main aspiration is to grow and improve alongside our clients.
Make the most of every single day!
Do you think developing an efficient website and attracting a steady flow of customers is a challenging task? So do we. What is even more difficult is finding genuine professionals and then getting them to work as a team. We have spent years building a well-coordinated mechanism, but today we can offer solutions for the most complex issues in a matter of months.
Commonly asked questions
Why choose BizSolutionsPlus among hundreds of other agencies?
• Quality. Our philosophy is tending to the client's business as if it were our own. • Affordability. We understand what a competitive price is and value our client's resources. It is our duty to provide the best costs-to-returns ratio for our clients. • Personal approach. We build trust with our clients by establishing and following individualized ethics of cooperation.
What are the main principles comprising the foundation of your work?
• Relying on our strengths. We have assembled a broad-based team capable of delivering uncompromised performance. • Attention to detail: Small actions make big changes. We strive for controlled perfectionism at every stage. • Continuous improvement. Courses, trainings, specialized conferences. Take the lead or trail far behind.
What business ethics do you follow?
• Meeting our clients halfway. Efficient cooperation is only possible through meaningful negotiations. • Working to achieve real results: The goal is more important than the means, especially if it’s our client’s goal. • Performing thorough analysis: Successful strategy is not built on guesswork, so rest assured we leave no stone unturned.
How is your pricing policy formed?
Working on any project, we constantly monitor market trends and changes in public opinion. This allows us to test different promotion methods without extra costs for our clients. A timely adaptation results in maximized returns, so we know how to remain flexible within budget. In addition, our specialists excel at inventing innovative approaches that don't rely on additional expenditures.
BIZ Solutions Plus Kft.4400 Nyíregyháza, Bethlen Gábor utca 25.[email protected]